Benjamin Schmidt-Hansberg

Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Schmidt-Hansberg

  • 02.02.2012
  • BASF
  • Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
    Bereich Thin Film Technology (TFT)
    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

    KIT Campus Nord
    Gebäude 717
    Tel. Labor: +49 7247 82-9026
    D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

    KIT Campus Süd
    Gebäude 10.91
    D-76131 Karlsruhe


Titel Forschungsthema Bearbeiter Datum
Charakterisierung und Kontrolle der Morphologie in Polymer-Fulleren-Blends Benedikt Brenneis abgeschlossen
Additive zur Kontrolle der Schichtstruktur in Polymersolarzellen Mareike Kowalski abgeschlossen
Beschreibung von Phasengleichgewichten halbleitender organischer Materialien Stefan Jaiser abgeschlossen
Einfluss der Trocknungsbedingungen auf die Eigenschaften von Polymer-Solarzellen Jens Buzengeiger abgeschlossen
Parameterstudie zur Trocknungskinetik photoaktiver Schichten für Polymersolarzellen mit einem Lösemittelgemisch Felix Buss abgeschlossen
Simulation der Grenzschichtausbildung an überströmten Polymerstrukturen Helge Geisler abgeschlossen
Strukturbildung in „Low Bandgap“ Polymeren Timo Basile abgeschlossen 08/11
Trocknungskinetik von flüssig prozessierten Polymer-Fulleren-Filmen mit Lösungsmittelgemischen für organische Elektronik Michael Baunach abgeschlossen 04/10


  1. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M.F.G. Klein, M. Sanyal, F. Buss, G.Q.G. de Medeiros, C. Munuera, A. Vorobiev, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, W. Schabel
    Structure Formation in Low-Bandgap Polymer:Fullerene Solar Cell Blends in the Course of Solvent Evaporation
    Macromolecules 45, 7948–7955 (2012)
  2. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, Process-structure-property relationship of polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction films for organic solar cells - Drying process, film structure and optoelectronic properties
    Dissertation, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (2012) Cuvillier Verlag, ISBN-10: 3954040735, ISBN-13: 9783954040735
  3. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, N. Grossiord, Y. Galagan, M. Baunach, M.F.G. Klein, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, U. Lemmer, H. Dosch, J. Michels, E. Barrena, W. Schabel
    Investigation of non-halogenated solvent mixtures for high throughput fabrication of polymer-fullerene solar cells
    Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 96, 195-201 (2012)
  4. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M.F.G. Klein, M. Pfaff, N. Schnabel, S. Jaiser, A. Vorobiev, E. Müller, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, D. Gerthsen, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, W. Schabel
    Moving through the phase diagram: morphology formation in solution cast polymer–fullerene blend films for organic solar cells
    ACS Nano 5, 8579–8590 (2011)
  5. M. Sanyal, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M.F.G. Klein, C. Munuera, A. Vorobiev, A. Colsmann, P. Scharfer, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel, H. Dosch, E. Barrena
    Effect of Photovoltaic Polymer/Fullerene Blend Composition Ratio on Microstructure Evolution during Film Solidification Investigated in Real Time by X-ray Diffraction
    Macromolecules 44, 3795–3800 (2011)

    Feature article in ESRF Highlights, 48-49 (2011)
  6. M. Sanyal, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M.F.G. Klein, A. Colsmann, C. Munuera, A. Vorobiev, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel, H. Dosch, E. Barrena
    In Situ X-Ray Study of Drying-Temperature Influence on the Structural Evolution of Bulk-Heterojunction Polymer–Fullerene Solar Cells Processed by Doctor-Blading
    Advanced Energy Materials 1, 363-367 (2011)

  7. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, J. Krenn, S. Walheim, U. Lemmer, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Spatially resolved drying kinetics of multi-component solution cast films for organic electronics
    Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, 509-515 (2011)
  8. J. Krenn, S. Baesch, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, P. Scharfer, Wilhelm Schabel
    Numerical investigation of the local mass transfer on flat plates in laminar flow
    Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, 503-508 (2011)
  9. L. Wengeler, B.Schmidt-Hansberg, K.Peters, P.Scharfer, W.Schabel
    Investigations on knife and slot die coating and processing of polymer nanoparticle films for hybrid polymer solar cells
    Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, 478-482 (2011)
  10. K. Peters, J. Braun, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phase equilibrium of water in different types of PEDOT:PSS
    Chemical Engineering and Processing 50, 555-557 (2011)
  11. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. F. G. Klein, K. Peters, F. Buss, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    In-situ monitoring the drying kinetics of knife coated polymer-fullerene films for organic solar cells
    Journal of Applied Physics 106, 124501 (2009)

    Feature article in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 21, 1 (2010)
  12. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, H. Do, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel
    Drying of thin film polymer solar cells
    European Physical Journal Special Topics 166, 49-53 (2009)
  13. Y. Serfert, S. Drusch, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Kind, K. Schwarz
    Process engineering parameters and type of n-octenylsuccinate-derivatised starch affect oxidative stability of microencapsulated long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
    Journal of Food Engineering 95, 386-392 (2009)
  14. S. Drusch, Y. Serfert, M. Scampicchio, B. Schmidt-Hansberg and K. Schwarz
    Impact of Physicochemical Characteristics on the Oxidative Stability of Fish Oil Microencapsulated by Spray-Drying
    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55, 11044 (2007)



  1. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, F. Buss, M. Klein, M. Sanyal, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer und W. Schabel
    Tuning polymer-fullerene blend nanomorphology by controlled film drying conditions (Talk)
    9th European Coating Symposium, 08.-10.06. 2011, Abo/Turku, Finland
  2. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    In-situ observation and manipulation of polymer-fullerene self assembly during thin film drying for organic solar cells (Poster)
    MRS Spring Meeting 2011, 25.-29.04.2011, San Francisco, USA
  3. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Kowalski, M. Klein, M. Sanyal, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phasengleichgewichte und Stofftransport in organischen Halbleitern: Selbstanordnungsprozesse in Polymersolarzellen (Talk)
    ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Wärme- und Stofftransport, 21.-22.03. 2009, Frankfurt, Germay
  4. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, M. Klein, M. Sanyal, C. Walsh, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel,
    Kontrolle der Morphologie in organischen Solarzellen (Poster)
    Processnet Jahrestagung, 21.-23.09.2010, Aachen, Germany
  5. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Baunach, M. Klein, M. Sanyal, C. Walsh, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    In-situ monitoring the film formation of solution cast polymer-fullerene blends for organic solar cells (Talk)
    15th International Coating Science and Technology (ISCST) Symposium, 13.-15.09.2010, St. Paul, USA
  6. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, J. Krenn, M. Baunach, S. Baesch, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Theoretical and experimental investigation of the gas phase mass transport on flat plates in laminar flow (Poster)
    15th International Coating Science and Technology (ISCST) Symposium, 13.-15.09.2010, St. Paul, USA
  7. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, and W. Schabel,
    Morphology formation in solution cast polymer-fullerene blends for organic photovoltaics (Talk)
    1st International Conference on Materials for Energy, 04.-08.07.2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
  8. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    In-situ Monitoring the Morphology Formation During Drying of Knife Coated Polymer-Fullerene Films for Organic Solar Cells (Talk)
    MRS Spring Meeting 2010, 05.-09.04.2010, San Francisco, USA
  9. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, M.F.G. Klein, F. Pasker, H. Wettach, B. Brenneis, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, S. Höger, P. Scharfer and W. Schabel
    Morphology formation during drying of solution cast polymer-fullerene blends for solar cell applications (Talk)
    Workshop of the DFG Priority Program 1355 "Organic Photovoltaics", 30.10. 2009, Dresden, Germany
  10. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, B. Brenneis, S. Jaiser, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, M. Sanyal, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phase behavior of solution cast polymer-fullerene blends during drying for organic solar cells (Poster)
    5th Plastic Electronics Europe, 27.-29.10. 2009, Dresden, Germany
  11. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, F. Buss, K. Peters, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, M.F.G. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, M. Sanyal, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer and W. Schabel
    Morphology formation during drying of solution cast polymer-fullerene blends for solar cell applications (Talk)
    8th European Coating Symposium, 07.-09.09. 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
  12. F. Buss, S. Jaiser, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Moving through the phase diagram: Drying of solution cast polymer-fullerene films (Poster)
    8th European Coating Symposium, 07.-09.09. 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
  13. K. Peters, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, L. Wengeler, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Feasibility Studies on Solution-processed Hole Injection Layers for Organic LEDs (Poster)
    8th European Coating Symposium, 07.-09.09. 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
  14. L. Wengeler, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Roll to roll production of nano-particle based polymer solar cells on flexible substrates (Poster)
    8th European Coating Symposium, 07.-09.09. 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
  15. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, F. Buss, S. Jaiser, P. Scharfer, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, J. Pfeifer, S. Walheim, M. Kind, W. Schabel
    Phase separation during drying of polymer-fullerene-solutions for polymer solar cells (Poster)
    Frontiers in Polymer Science, 7.-9.06. 2009, Mainz, Germany
  16. A. Bauer, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, J. Hanisch, E. Ahlswede, M. Sanyal, C. Munuera, E. Barrena, B. Schmidt-Hansberg, W. Schabel, F. Pasker, S. Höger
    Towards transparent and multijunction polymer solar cells with improved optoelectronic properties (TRAPOS) (Talk & Poster)
    Jahrestreffen SPP 1355 "Elementarprozesse der organischen Photovoltaik", 13.-14.05. 2009, Wuppertal, Germany
  17. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, N. Schnabel, K. Peters, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phasenseparation von Polymer-Fulleren-Lösungen photoaktiver Schichten organischer Polymersolarzellen (Poster),
    ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Kristallisation, 12.-13.03. 2009, Dortmund, Germay
  18. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, N. Schnabel, K. Peters, P. Scharfer, U. Lemmer, M. Kind, W. Schabel
    Phase separation during the drying process of the photoactive layer in polymer solar cells (Talk)
    14th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 07.-10.09 2008, Los Angeles, USA
  19. W. Schabel, P. Scharfer, M. Müller, J. Krenn, B. Schmidt-Hansberg
    Drying issues and process scale up of solvent casted films for flat panel displays and organic electronics (Talk)
    14th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 07.-10.09 2008, Los Angeles, USA
  20. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, J. Buzengeiger, M. Kind, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel
    Trocknung der Absorptionsschicht organischer Polymersolarzellen (Poster),
    ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Trocknungstechnik/Kristallisation, 05.-07.03 2008, Halle, Germany
  21. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, D. Korp, Y. Serfert, S. Drusch, K. Schwarz, M. Kind
    Trocknungseigenschaften von Matrixlösungen zur Fischölverkapselung (Poster),
    ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Trocknungstechnik/Kristallisation, 05.-07.03 2008, Halle, Germany
  22. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, H. Do, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, W. Schabel
    Drying of thin film polymer solar cells (Poster),
    7th European Coating Symposium, 12.-14.09 2007, Paris, France


Invited Talks

  1. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, Structure formation of organic semiconductors
    9th European Coating Symposium, invited short course lecture, 07.06. 2011, Abo/Turku, Finnland
  2. B.Schmidt-Hansberg, M. Sanyal, M. Baunach, B. Brenneis, M. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, E. Barrena, P. Scharfer, and W. Schabel
    In-situ monitoring the morphology formation during drying of knife coated polymer:fullerene blends
    PV group meeting, Cavendish Laboratory, 26.11.2009, Cambridge, UK
  3. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, N. Schnabel, K. Peters, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel
    Phase separation during the drying process of the photoactive layer in polymer solar cells (PSCs),
    Holst Centre, 3.11.2008, Eindhoven, Netherlands
  4. B. Schmidt-Hansberg, Drying of Polymer Solar Cells,
    Merck OLED-Division, 8.03.2008, Darmstadt, Germany



  • 2010 Edward D. Cohen - Innovative Technology Award of the International Society of Coating Science and Technology (ISCST)Moving through the phase diagram: morphology formation in solution cast polymer–fullerene blend films for organic solar cells