13. Short Course 2022

This year's 13th short course "Coating and Drying of Thin Films“ and 6th “Thin Film Technology Forum” took place this year from May 09th – 13th. Like last year, it was again a virtual event. We had several international speakers from academia and industry. The program can be found here
The Short Course Coating and Drying of Thin Films addresses engineers, scientists and technicians working in the areas of coatings, functional films, direct printing, sensors, adhesives & tapes, battery coating, paints & automotive coatings, medical patches & diagnostics, optical foils, membrane processing, printed electronics, fuel cells and smart coatings, who intend to get insight into more fundamental aspects with industrial applications or to deepen their expertise. Leading national and international scientists and experts from academia and industry will report on topics of coating technologies, rheology, preparation of coating fluids and about fundamentals and industrial aspects of drying technology.
Within the scope of the short course, coating processes and drying technology were explained interactively by easily accessible examples, both in lectures as well as in a practical Workshop instructed by TFT staff members.
At the 6th Thin Film Technology Forum, renowned scientists presented and discussed recent research results and new trends in industry and academia with a focus on Advances in Printing, Batteries, Fuel Cells, Electrolysers, Smart Processes & Coatings.
Speakers & Instructors 13th Short Course
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Schabel (KIT)
- Dr.-Ing. Philip Scharfer (KIT)
- Prof. Gilbert Gugler (IPRINT, CH)
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Norbert Willenbacher (KIT)
- Dr. Peter Schweizer (Schweizer Consulting, CH)
- Dipl.-Ing. Harald Döll (TSE Troller, CH)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Franz Durst (FMP)
- M. Sc. Sandro Spiegel (KIT)
- M.Sc. Alexander Hoffmann (KIT)
- Prof. Dr. Hadj Benkreira (University of Bradford, UK)
- Prof. Dr. Alex Routh (Cambridge University, UK)
- M. Sc. Thilo Heckmann (KIT)
- M. Sc. Nadine Zimmerer (KIT)
- Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Cavadini (CN Drying Technology)
- Prof. Dr. Steven Abbott (TCNF, UK)
Speakers 6th Thin Film Technology Forum
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Schabel (KIT)
- Dr.-Ing. Philip Scharfer (KIT)
- Prof. Dr. Andrea Robitzki (Head of KIT Division I)
- Prof. Dr. Jaewook Nam (Seoul National University)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing.-habil. Hermann Nirschl (KIT)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade (TU Braunschweig)
- Dr.-Ing. Martin Gallenkemper (Volkswagen AG)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Urs Peuker (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Kleine Jäger (BASF SE)
- Prof. Dr. Ludovic Pauchard (Univ. Paris, FR)
- Prof. Dr. Alex Routh (Cambridge University, UK)
- M. Eng. Victor Gracia (KIT)
- Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Oberschachtsiek (ZBT)
- M. Sc. Philipp Quarz (KIT)
- M. Sc. Nadine Zimmerer (KIT)
- Prof. Dr. Jens Tübke (Fraunhofer ICT, KIT)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer (KIT)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wetzel (KIT)
- Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Diehm (RapidEdge Technology GmbH)
- M. Sc. Sandro Spiegel (KIT)
- M. Sc. Jonas Mohacsi (KIT)
- M. Sc. Kevin Ly (KIT)
- M .Sc. Julian Klemens (KIT)
- M. Sc. Andreas Altvater (KIT)
- M. Sc. Lukas Lödige (KIT)
- M. Sc. Thilo Heckmann (KIT)
Coating International TFT Short Course and Forum Review
Feedback from the participants of the 2022 virtual Course and Forum
- "Very interesting topics, from the fundamentals of coating and drying to the simplified practice-oriented applications (Prof. Abbott’s talk) and insights in current battery production research, special thanks to the chairmen and the organization team"
- "Great forum, thank you . Very valuable scientific and practical information."
- "Thank you very much for the nice course!"
- "Thank you very much for the course, and thanks to all speakers during the Forum. I hope next year there will be a meeting in presence. Good bye everyone!"
- "Thank you! Impressive content!"
- "Vielen Dank für diese coolen und sehr, sehr lehrreichen fünf Tage! Ich habe mir dadurch sehr viel an theoretischen Wissen aneignen können."
Feedback from the participants of the 2021 virtual Course and Forum
- "Thank you very much for all the wonderful presentations and thank you to all the speakers! Hope to see you soon. It was really interesting!"
- "Thank you for all the interesting and wonderful presentations."
- "Thank you for the organization. We learnt many concepts and fundamentals and also new ideas for the researching in thin film technology"
- "Thank you for organizing this wonderful short course and forum! It was super interesting. :)"
- "It was super interesting, many thanks"
- "Thank you very much for organizing a very good short course and forum!"
- "Thank you very much for organizing a very nice online event. Really enjoyed the depths of the presentations"
- "Thank you all for the great talks. And a special thanks to the TFT Team for the media support. It worked perfectly fine."
- "Many thanks to everyone for this interesting week, I learned a lot!"
- "Thank you all for the great talks"