ISCST Ed Cohen Travel Award 2022 awarded to Julian Klemens from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
ISCST Ed Cohen Travel Award 2022 awarded to Julian Klemens from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) at the 21st International Coating Science and Technology Symposium (ISCST) in Minnesota / US for his contribution on
„Drying of structure-optimized multilayer electrodes with different particle morphologies for Sodium-Ion Batteries (SIB)”
Authors: Julian Klemens, David Burger, Sandro Spiegel, Philip Scharfer, Wilhelm Schabel
The ISCST takes place biannually and is the oldest and most significant international scientific conference on Coating Science & Technology.
The work is part of the Research of the KIT-TFT Group in the Post Lithium Storage Cluster of Excellence (POLIS) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Ulm.
Wir gratulieren unserem Mitarbeiter Julian Klemens zu dieser Auszeichnung.
Der Beitrag erforscht neue Materialansätze und Prozesse zur Beschichtung und Trocknung von Natrium Ionen Batterien („SIB“) Elektroden im Vergleich zu Lithium-Ionen-Batterieelektroden.
Die Arbeit ist Teil der Forschung des KIT im Exzellenzcluster POLIS