Best Poster Award for KIT-TFT Phd student Alexander Hoffmann

08.09. – 11.09.2024, Atlanta, USA

The Best Poster Award at the 22nd ISCST Symposium in Atlanta goes to Alexander Hoffmann from the TFT group for his Poster.

In his poster, he presented the latest results on the prediction of coating stability for two-layer fluid configurations with complex, non-Newtonian flow behavior, such as battery slurries. Apart from the simulation data, an extensive experimental validation campaign was presented to ensure model accuracy in predicting coating stability using CFD simulations with high depth, as well as simplified calculation methods for fast and hands-on stability predictions.

Autor of the poster & talk : A. Hoffmann, P. Scharfer, W. Schabel, Prediction methods for simultaneous two-layer slot-die coating of battery electrodes.