TFT contributes with 2 lectures to the fuel cell conference Chemnitz FC³
12. - 13.11.2024, Chemnitz, Germany
The German fuel cell industry and research came together for the third time at this year's Fuel Cell Conference Chemnitz FC³ in Chemnitz, Saxony. The main topics were the projects, prospects, needs and wishes of the industry as well as numerous contributions from various research institutions on the latest findings from laboratory and simulation in the production and operation of fuel cells. TFT was present with two lectures on the production of Catalyst Coated Membranes (CCM). On the one hand, a concept with hieratically structured multilayers for an optimized electrode design was presented. The second presentation dealt with differences and challenges on the way from the state-of-the-art CCM production method of decal coating to the innovative membrane direct coating. Both contributions are also published as conference papers in the conference proceedings WASSERSTOFFTECHNOLOGIEN. EFFICIENT PRODUCTION published under ISBN: 978-3-95735-189-0.